Products DescriptionAl Mann – Arca The Magic Box The mentalist calls attention to a small cardboard box that is sealed with rubber bands and sitting on the table. He asks anyone to call out a number and a second person to call out a word. Mentalist picks up the box and removes the rubber band and lid. You DO NOT STICK YOUR HAND INSIDE THE BOX NOR DO YOU TOUCH THE SLIPS. Any person can remove the slips and open them. They contain the exact word and number just called out! Very, Very, Strong! Any thought desired by the mentalist will appear inside he sealed and ungimmicked box. The message can even be inside a sealed envelope! Baffling beyond words. The position of any playing card called by the audience can be predicted inside a sealed deck! The name of a lady-love called out plus a red rose can be found inside the box! There is NO limit to number of miracles you can do with this Arca works almost automatically. The spectator can unknowingly pull off the gaff. 13 effects are described including book tests,