Products DescriptionBrad Gordon – Clever 8Just a few words that describe Brad Gordon’s newly-revised manuscript Clever 8. The original took us to new heights in close-up magic. This version approaches the stratosphere! If you’re ready to take your performing to the next level Clever 8 is your guidebook. Months of refinement went into these routines! If you’re comfortable with just a few basic moves then you’re ready for Clever 8. You’ll learn killer routines like: * The B’Lip Move… a method for literally throwing a double to the table like so much pocket change! You’ll be pulling off this move within 5 minutes of reading it but you could spend a year just developing ways to implement this jewel. They’ll never suspect a thing! Brad’s patter ideas will take your performing vertical! He does a perfect job of walking you through just what to say and just what to do when performing each effect. You can’t miss! The book includes loads of other effects including: Un-picked Free Miracle Copper-Silver Thought and more! Effects useful moves and even a quick little gag thrown in for good measure Customers who bought this product also purchased...