Bruce Cervon's Castle Notebooks vol 1-5
They have been called legendary.
That is incorrect.
A Legend is based only partly in fact. Bruce Cervon’s Castle Notebooks are the real deal.
When Bruce Cervon moved to Los Angeles to study with Dai Vernon, he began keeping detailed notes on all the inside magic the Professor and others tipped to him. He also kept complete notes on his own original material, much of which he reserved for professional use. Over years and decades, his notebooks grew and grew, and while he zealously guarded them, never allowing others more than a glimpse inside, the legend of Cervon’s Castle Notebooks grew among the elite of magic, and justifiably so.
From these notebooks came the material that filled five books of Cervon’s own magic and three volumes of The Vernon Chronicles. But this wasn’t even the tip of the iceberg. The Bruce Cervon’s Castle Notebooks contain the material Bruce planned to include in future volumes on Vernon and himself, as well as copious information on card cheating methods (much of it relayed through Vernon), unpublished material gathered from many of magic’s luminaries, and Bruce’s own professional routines. The quantity and quality of this material is staggering, cramming over 1500 notebook pages. Bruce Cervon’s Castle Notebooks contain all of Dai vernon’s Notes from the magic Castle.
Bruce Cervon’s Castle Notebooks are a holy grail for students of close-up magic from the golden years of the Magic Castle. Within them are held countless tricks, sleights and secrets that were kept exclusive by Cervon for many years, and are still ahead of today’s cutting edge tricks. Respecting Bruce’s desire that this information remain exclusive, his wife, Linda Lipps Cervon, in conjunction with L&L Publishing, is releasing Cervon’s Castle Notebooks in a facsimile set of hardcover books. Each page is scanned from the original hand-written notebooks.