Products DescriptionDevin Knight – How To Supercharge Your EntertainmentThis is ebook #2 in Devin’s “Marketing For Magicians Series”. Almost everyone is on Facebook nowadays and odds are you have a Facebook account. But are you using it to properly promote your entertainment business Do you even know how Sadly, most entertainers don’t realize the full potential of Facebook. To them, it is a place to shoot the bull and play games, but did you know that the proper use of Facebook could double the amount of shows you do in a year No, this isn’t hype, this is a hard fact. The trouble is most performers aren’t even aware of how this can be done! Just being on Facebook isn’t enough. You have to know how to properly promote your act using techniques that are available to you and described in this new e-book. You need to know proven techniques that work and are working for entertainers and major companies world-wide. Facebook has become the largest social network in the world with over 1 billion users, of which half of them visit the site daily! Facebook is becoming so large that it recently overtook Google as the website that got the most traffic in a single day! That means that Facebook is becoming bigger than Google itself! How would you like a piece of that pie Selling your act or show is a numbers game and if you are not tapping into the Facebook market, your competition will leave you in the dust! Having Facebook as a part of your marketing strategy is no longer an option. It is now a necessity if you want to succeed as an entertainer! A whopping 74% of all consumers now rely on Facebook to guide their purchasing decisions. That’s right Facebook users are buyers for your entertainment services Customers who bought this product also purchased...