Products DescriptionEnrique Enriquez – The Invisible Tarot – Another Suggestive Way of Knowing The Invisible Tarot by Enrique Enriquez Even though Enrique’s award-winning e-book, The Invisible Gemstone, continues to be one of the hottest, best-selling titles we’ve published in a long time, I think his newest effort, The Invisible Tarot, is going to eclipse that. As exceptionally good as I think his previous e-book is, I sincerely believe The Invisible Tarot is downright brilliant. I’ve been giving Tarot readings for over twenty years, and Enrique’s new approach is a real eye-opener — both simple to use and ultimately meaningful for your clients. In Enrique’s latest e-book, you’ll learn:
The Invisible Tarot is a deceptively simple way of presenting a Tarot reading, but with undeniably powerful results. In a nutshell, you ask your client select a random, unseen card — a totally imaginary card, mind you — and to describe what they see in their imagination. You are then in a position to deliver an incredibly accurate reading that will have genuine meaning for the client … and a truly amazing conclusion. The Invisible Tarot can, if you like, be much, much more than a simple reading — the resulting experience can be the closest thing to magic — the real thing — that you and your clients have had in a long time. Perfect For Impromptu & Walkaround … And, the best part is that you will be able to share this experience with your clients at any time, and in any place, without having to carry a Tarot deck with you. Just like in The Invisible Gemstone, Enrique is revealing a simple, easy-to-learn technique that you will be able to use almost immediately, and if you’re anything like me, it’s something you will use all the time. … And Full-Length Readings, Too The Invisible Tarot can be presented as a five-minute quickie, or in its expanded form, a full-length reading. And, in addition to the detailed explanation of how to present The Invisible Tarot, Enrique shares not one, but three transcripts of real-life examples from his own private readings practice in which he demonstrates exactly what to say and do for maximum impact. The Invisible Tarot is not a stock reading or cold reading technique, but rather an ingenious strategy for delivering truly impressive readings each and every time. The Bottom Line Customers who bought this product also purchased...