Products Description
Dustin Dean - Hand Which
HandWhich by Dustin Dean official PDF download
PHASE ONE: You borrow some change from a volunteer, write down a prediction, and have them keep the prediction in their pocket. They make incredibly fair choices with this change, deciding which hand each coin should go while your back is turned (No, there is no equivoque or magician's choice don't worry!!!). After all choices are made, they open the prediction and it matches perfectly!
PHASE TWO: They randomly select one of the coins and place it in either their right or left hand while your back is turned. They hold both hands out with closed fists and you are able to reveal which hand they've selected! (Never fails! Works 100% of the time!)
PHASE THREE: After you've discovered which hand they've chosen, you then have them visualize the date of the coin while your back is turned.. You then reveal, with 100% accuracy, the exact year of the coin!!! (No peeking!!! AT ALL!)
This is an incredible mental miracle packing 3 distinct punches. Want to impress someone with your mind reading abilities? Then this is the BEST way to do it! This is "HandWhich!!!"
14 Page Instructional PDF
Bonus Section included! (3 pages of extra tips and ideas for no extra charge!)
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