Larry Hass - Borrowed Card Stunners (5 Mp4 Videos full Magic Download)

Larry Hass - Borrowed Card Stunners (5 Mp4 Videos full Magic Download)

  • Model: C5216185
  • Availability: In stock



Products Description

Borrowed Card Stunners by Larry Hass

My Way Out of this World: A borrowed, SHUFFLED deck is impossibly sorted into red and black by your audience! A game-changer.

One Card and One Card Only: A diabolical trick that couldn't feel more fair! From a borrowed shuffled deck, they peek ANY card, no force. Then... the impossible happens.

Pure Magic: An impromptu trick that's guaranteed to fool everyone. Uses an unprepared, borrowed, shuffled deck.

The Friendship Game: A miracle that requires no sleight-of-hand. Clever enough to fool those pesky rocket scientists. Using any deck, you do the impossible.

The Intuition Test: A diabolical prediction where your spectator makes ALL the decisions.. they even choose the prediction!!


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