M-Prediction by Mickael Chatelain

M-Prediction by Mickael Chatelain

  • Model: download5225968
  • Availability: In stock



Products Description

M-Prediction - Mickael Chatelain

Sum up it nicely:


  • 1 prediction card face down on the card case.
  • 5 ESP cards, perfectly shuffled face down in a row on the table!

In the next few seconds, your spectator will choose freely on of these 5 ESP cards.

When you will snap your fingers, your spectator will choose freely a number... The 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 or 5! Really freely choice!

Warning... Snap your fingers!

Your spectator chooses 3 (for example)

Ask him if he wants to change or keep the number 3! Your spectator can really change his number as many times as he wants, there is no force or influence. He doesn't change, his choice is validated!

Ask him to put his fingers on the third card on the table! Without any gesture or manipulation, take the prediction card with your fingertips... Flip the prediction card and the spectator's card at the same time:

It is just IMPOSSIBLE!

Your prediction is 100% identical to your spectator's card... same ESP symbols have been choose!