Products DescriptionPablo Amira – Mysteries AnywhereImagine if you could perform powerful mentalism anywhere just with a few borrowed objects. Imagine no more. Mysteries Anywhere is a compendium of solid mental experiences that you can perform in any situation without prior preparation. Effects: 1. Perfect Coin maybe: A miracle in the purse of your participant. He takes a coin from his pocket and hides it in his fist. You can instantly create mysterious things with the coin and your participant finishing with the revelation of the coin and the date. Borrowed coin no classical methodology. 2. I.D.S. : This abbreviation is a mystery. This idea can build you a reputation as a mindreader. A way to create an impromptu in your face dummy billet a very easy billet switch and a bold full billet peek all combined to create a mental miracle. 3. Chronoincidence: A Watch Routine that is very clean. One participant thinks of a time another participant turns the stem of a watch. The two hours match. Nothing is written. 4. OHP: Predict the future in an open manner in your hands. One card is predicted in a loud voice one card is turned over in the deck. Prediction is correct. 5. The Frankenstein Experiment: Three participants will be creating life and you astonishing moments of mindreading. Each participant thinks in different characteristics of this new creature and you are able to reveal it. A kind of 4th Dimension Telepathy with an interesting presentation behind it. 6. Mysteries Anywhere New Ideas: New ideas for the effects in the book. 7. The challenge of Zeus: Imagine if you can challenge the Great Greek God save your life and give a mystery experience. And 2 Essays about Mentalism and performance . Opinions: “Pablo I like your material and I am proud of your work.” “I am always honored when my work inspires performers to new and exciting levels. Pablo Amira’s book builds upon reliable principles and expands them into new useful effects that can be performed anywhere. Much of it will look like real Mind Reading or hypnotic influence. My kind of thinking!” “Mysteries Anywhere has some really exceptional material inside his pages” Pablo has a wonderful creative mind and he aims for an intense sense of realism in his work. Mysteries Anywhere is a great collection of some of his thinking providing real world routines that are impromptu. I particularly enjoyed “I.D.S.” and “The Frankenstein Experiment” but all the work in this book is strong usable material”. “Mysteries Anywhere is full of great routines and principles. One of my favorites is his IDS a great utility item that can be applied to numerous routines. Great work Pablo!! I’m looking forward to “Mysteries Anywhere 2″!! ” “Pablo has create some startling new effects taking inspirations from many of the greats and adding a touch of psychological genius to each one to make it his own. Look out for anything this guy releases as its sure to be a big hit!” “Pablo Amirá has concocted some truly lovely and meaningful magic in this book! I’m impressed!” “This is a great e-book. Pablo has some great ideas Get this NOW” “OHP is an excellent effect. My kind of work” “I have used IDS with great success. Its the sort of thing you save for just the perfect moment; yet you could do it with any pen(cil) and any piece of paper/card available!” Pages: 56 – Saddle Stitched Customers who bought this product also purchased...