
Secret Manuscript Two by Jose Prager (PDF Download)

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Secret Manuscript Two (Instant Download)

hello, everyone , this isSecret Manuscript Two , notSecret Manuscript One,

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Jose Prager – Secret Manuscript Two
After the success of the first installment of the “Secret
Manuscript” series, we have decided to compile more
entries from the notebooks of José Prager into several
more volumes. Our intention is to produce ten chapters,
full of material that is not only amazing and unique, but
also workable and develope fully.
If you haven’t yet read “Secret Manuscript One” I urge
you to do so, José is a remarkable talent who works on
literally a daily basis as the only thought reader in the
state of Puebla. He performs in difficult close up
environments as well as on stages, so a lot of his
material (the material you have invested in) transcends
situational constraints and can be performed anywhere.
In this second manuscript, you have been given an
amazing gift, a slice of high-tech and a slice of low-tech.
Regardless of which you prefer, both boxes are ticked in
this manuscript, the two sides of the coin are attacked
and solutions are offered for both that could easily
have been sold as individual products and could quite
comfortably be described as ‘holy grail’ –like solutions
for the effects we strive to create in our day to day
Without further ado, let us step inside the leaves of
“Secret Manuscript Two” and take a stroll around the
thoughts of master mentalist José Prager.