SIGNAL (Online Instruction) by Seth Race
Seth Race - Signal
MP4 video download, high quality
SIGNAL is the MODERN way to PK!
This NEW Utility Device allows you to perform PK effects like never before, HANDS CLEAN. Not only are your hands clean BEFORE the magic, they are now clean AFTER as well!
With SIGNAL, you will learn how to perform effects with cards, coins, silverware, bills, Sharpies and SO MUCH MORE right out of the box! That means you don't need anything extra!
Seth also goes over how to perform with the SIGNAL Utility Device SILENTLY!! Furthermore, he teaches you his way to perform VANISHES with the SPECTATOR'S HANDS.
The SIGNAL Utility Device does ALL the work for you while HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT. Once you have SIGNAL set up, you'll be ready to perform ALL DAY in the BLINK OF AN EYE.
Are you getting a SIGNAL?