The Boris Wild Marked Deck by Boris Wild (video + PDF)

The Boris Wild Marked Deck by Boris Wild (video + PDF)

  • Model: yqw9rxkiy2vj
  • Availability: In stock

$5.50  $2.75


Products Description

The Complete Boris Wild Marked Deck Companion DVD (Only Available with the Marked Deck Book)

"The finest new advance on Marked Decks in years."
- Marc DeSouza

"I know of no stronger tool than the Boris Wild Marked Deck."
- Gary Ouellet

"Boris performs absolute miracles with his special deck of readers."
- Daryl

This companion video to theComplete Boris Wild Marked Deck Bookcontains live performances of ten of the strongest items from the book. You will enjoy the incredible effects possible with the Marked Deck and the more involved routines combining it with Boris' Instant Memorized Deck.

Thanks to this video, you'll be able to witness the impact that these miracles have on a lay audience.


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