Products DescriptionThe Impossible Chair (1-2) - Cody FisherThe Impossible Chair
You invite someone onstage and have them sit on a chair. You borrow a ring and cause it vanish under truly impossible conditions. When your volunteer inquires to the whereabouts of the ring, you say, "You're sitting on it"! When they stand up to look at their seat, there is nothing there! You then say, "No, not on TOP of the chair, UNDER the chair!
With completely empty hands, you pick up the chair and reach under the seat and pull out a clear box. (The Impossible Box) The box is held closed with six heavy duty rubber bands. The only opening in the box is a tiny hole on one side that is just big enough for a piece of yarn to fit through. Inside the box is a 3-inch ball of yarn that can be seen on all sides.
The box is held by your onstage volunteer as the yarn is pulled through the tiny hole while slowly unwinding the ball of yarn. The audience can clearly see the ball of yarn unwinding from inside the clear box. Once the yarn has completely unwound, it is now revealed that in the center of the yarn ball is a small metal box that is also secured with several rubber bands.
The rubber bands are removed from the clear box and the small metal box is removed. The bands are removed from the small metal box and its contents are shown to be the volunteer's ring! ____________________________________________________
“This truly is a packs small / plays big routine. This very special chair does all the work for you. Their actual ring is already inside the small metal box before they even stand up! Once you remove the box from under the seat, you never touch it again…”
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